
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Who Says Romance is Dead?

Michael and I went out to dinner last week, alone, for only the second time since the babies were born last March. Sad, I know. As we were eating and talking, I realized that the bulk of our conversation was solely about the babies. When we thought they would finally crawl, why Gavin's diaper keeps leaking night after night, how we're going to swing daycare for two when I go back to work in September, what the theme should be at their first birthday party--you get the idea. I began wondering: "Who are these two? What has become of us? I remember the day when we would stay out on weekends until 2 am, and now I'm happiest if I'm in bed by 9! And we would discuss all manner of things without the slightest mention of diapers or sippy cups!"

So on Saturday night I finally took the advice of the countless parenting magazines and websites I've read. I decided we needed a "date night" at home after the babies went to bed. First, I should let you know that the babies decided not to cooperate. I think they knew something was up...they have a little baby-sixth-sense that way. I wanted to at least get out of my sweatpants and maybe even put on a little mascara for our date, but by the time we finally got the babies to sleep, our dinner was practically cold. I decided just to wear my pearls, which looked very stylish with my sweats and all...but that was really all I had time for. Michael thought that was pretty funny.

Anyway, we used our china for the first time in our entire marriage, and drank champagne. (Sidebar: Does anyone actually ever use their china? I'm going to make an effort to use it once a month). We dined on lemon-butter tilapia, sesame-roasted asparagus, and rice pilaf (I'm not ashamed to tell you that the rice was out of a box). We decided not to talk about babies, which frankly, left very little to talk about. Which is why this date night was so important; I think we need to reconnect on other levels.

Afterwards, in keeping with the theme, we decided to rent a movie. Our choice was The Bourne Supremecy, and I'm sorry to tell you that we both fell asleep halfway through. What exciting lives we lead.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who Are These Twins, and What Have You Done With Mine?

Things in the Tulip and Turnip Household have changed dramatically in the last two days. First of all, Gavin took three excellent naps yesterday. He hasn't done that, ever. And lest you think that those naps gave me some respite, a break from the daily grind, a chance to sit down and enjoy the latest issue of Country Living whilst sipping a cup of coffee...think again. Because yesterday was the day that Charlotte, who has been a fair napper all along, decided NOT. TO. NAP. She's up to those tricks again today...I just put them down for their morning nap and she's been hollering for a good twenty minutes.

Gavin has also recently decided that his most favorite thing to do is dance in the kitchen with Mommy while listening to the iPod, preferably to Amos Lee's "Sweet Pea." It's actually pretty cute...he gets all excited and starts swaying to the music and kicking his legs as I twirl him around. But when the song ends, he wails. And continues wailing until we start over again. I'm pretty certain he is wondering where Amos Lee actually is, because he stares at the iPod so intently as we dance, as if he is certain that the man is going to appear, guitar in hand, and start strumming away in a private concert, just for us. He has also recently discovered that he can insert his fingers and arms into our toys that have holes. He got his arm stuck in a dump truck yesterday. And the biting, that's another story. I have teeth marks all over my shoulders.

Other than deciding not to nap, Charlotte has picked up a few tricks too. I think she's only just decided that she likes me. She has never been a particularly clingy baby, but lately she wants to be held often. And when I'm holding her, from time to time she will open her mouth as wide as it will go and attempt to suck/lick my cheek or mouth. I'm not sure if this is a baby-kiss or something to do with the fact that she's teething, but either way, it's pretty darn cute. She's been signing "all done" too, but it's never when we finish a meal as I had planned. It's when she's in the Exersaucer, or having tummy time, or at other times when it doesn't really make sense. (You could argue that she's telling me she's all done with the Exersaucer or tummy time, but I think she's really just interested in the movement of her hands.)

Anyway, I was going back and forth about signing them up for Kindermusik, but since Gavin seems so obsessed with dancing/Amos Lee, and since Charlotte has been preoccupied with her hand movements, I'm reconsidering. I might have two little musicians on my hands.

P.S. Charlotte did eventually stop hollering. I don't want you to think I typed this post while Charlotte screamed in her crib! But now I hear Gavin....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Twin Club

I went to my first Mothers of Multiples meeting last night. I wasn't sure what to expect. My mom was a member when my twin sisters were born, a little more than 25 years ago, and I have a few memories of her attending the meetings. Back then, it was all Bake Sales and Play Dates and "Twin Club" vests and buttons. At least that's how my 5-year-old brain processed it.

It was actually fun. These women are incredible multitaskers -- they have fundraisers and community outreach programs, meal deliveries for new mothers of multiples, a huge rummage sale that's big news in this area, and social events for the adults and the kids, just to name a few things. Also, they can understand the special challenges that come with mothering more than one infant. Just having someone to talk to and vent with is worth the dues.

I wound up buying this cute/somewhat cheesy football-jersey-style shirt that says something about the Mothers of Multiples on the back, and then says "Team Chermela" on the front. Totally a nerdy mothery thing to purchase, but I was caught up in the spirit of the whole multiples thing. I drew the line at the "Got Twins?" decal for my car, but next month might be another story....stay tuned.

Monday, January 21, 2008

photo opportunity

As a Christmas present for my parents, my sister and I decided to go to one of those fancy-schmancy kids' portrait studios to have our children's photo taken. Despite the fact that the kids ages were 10, 2, 9 months, and 9 months, the photo shoot went surprisingly well and the pictures turned out nicely. But those photos cost exactly one arm, one leg, and maybe even another arm thrown in there for good measure. Which is why I've been more than a little selective about who gets one of the 8 wallet-size photos that I bought.

On Saturday night, Michael and I went out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. This is a place that we used to go to often before the twins arrived. (We have only been out to dinner alone TWICE since they were born, and both times we went to this place.) We are somewhat friendly with the waitress there, so when we walked in, she smiled and asked, "How are the babies?" "Great!" I replied. "I have a picture!"** I pulled my wallet-sized photo out and showed her. "I have to go show my mom!" she said, and ran back to the kitchen where her mom and dad were both cooking.

That was the last I saw of that photo. I guess she must've thought I was giving it to her. I had a hard time enjoying myself through the entire meal, because I kept wondering: Is she going to give it back? Did she forget that she has it in her pocket? Should I ask for it? Is that rude? How many more do I have at two?

I hate situations like that...I never want to make the other person uncomfortable, so I don't say anything at all. We don't really know this waitress well, so I can't imagine she's going to put the photo in her wallet or go home and hang it on her wall. I'm quite sure it will wind up in the trash. Ah, well. At least the salmon was delicious.

* I've replayed this over and over in my head. I think I said, "I have a picture." Perhaps I should have said, "Let me show you a picture?" or "Look at my picture?"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Brain is Fried

I really, really wish I had something interesting to blog about. But I don't. So I'll just tell you that Charlotte has finally cut her first tooth. And Gavin has 7.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Healing Power of Touch

I had a massage on Saturday. It was a gift from two of my sisters for my birthday, and Lordy, did I need it. It was only the second massage I've ever had--unless you count the time Michael and I had a "Couples Massage" in Negril. (That massage was outdoors, in an open-air gazebo that happened to be on a nude beach, atop a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was incredibly picturesque, but I was feeling uncomfortable about disrobing in front of the 100 or so other beach-goers. I also had a few cocktails the night before, so I was feeling a little...queasy. And I had just read an article about how some people believe that, if your masseuse is in a bad or negative mood during your massage, they can steal your positive "chi." I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I was naked and queasy, so I knew I didn't want my positive chi stolen. So about 5 minutes into the hour-long massage I told the masseuse I wasn't feeling well, got dressed, and went to lie down in our hotel room. Of course, Michael stayed for the entire hour, and of course, I was charged for the entire hour.)

All that aside, this massage was pure heaven. I felt so calm and relaxed afterwards, and it got me thinking about other things that make me feel that way. A happy baby (better yet, two happy babies). Soaking in the hot tub. A nice glass of red wine. A hot cup of peppermint mocha. Girls' Night Out. A good shoe sale.

I think a challenge as a mother is how to get yourself to that point, a calm and centered place, as often as you can. Ultimately, I think you become a better mother for it, and a better person for that matter. I'm not big on resolutions (I hate the New Year and all it entails, but that's another post), but I think this year I'm at least going to try to focus on activities that help me attain that calm, relaxed state. So if you see me stressing, help a sista out! Let me know some of your tricks that relax and center you.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Update on The Sleeping Situation, Even Though I May Be the Only One Who Cares

Alternate Blog Title: Kid For Sale! (Good Lord, I hope you know I'm kidding.)

Charlotte is over the little hissy-fits-at-bedtime thing. She's back to her normal, pleasant self, and can put herself to sleep largely unassisted.

Gavin, my dear Gavin....he has been another story from the start. This kid can't seem to stick to one pattern or schedule to save his life. For a while, back in October, he was waking once a night, usually at 5am, and just wanted to be held and talked to, and he'd nod back off until about 7am. These days, I never know when he's going to get up, but I can guarantee it's going to be many times a night. And he WILL NOT go back to sleep unless I intervene. Believe me, I've tried the whole ignoring thing. It keeps Charlotte awake, so I'm considering moving his crib to a different room, but that would require disassembling the entire thing. I'm thinking about putting him in the Pack and Play in my room for a few nights to see if we can't get this thing straightened out.

I'm at a loss. Between that and the whole my-babies-don't-nap thing, Michael and I have had some very unpleasant evenings lately.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My New Obsession

Have you seen the i-Caught "Your Life in Three Words" feature on Good Morning America? I think it only airs on weekends, but I am completely obsessed with it. Basically, people send in a video or a photo of three words that describe their present situation. Then GMA compiles the submissions and puts them to music. They always choose a great song, which totally feeds in to my obsession. It's super-difficult to explain...just go watch it. I'll wait.

You watched it? Good. Here's my submission. Let's hope they add it to one of their montages!