
Sunday, August 31, 2008


Charlotte's vocabulary includes:

Mommy, Daddy, MomMom, PopPop
Issy (Nicholas, her cousin)
"mo" = more
"mo"= no
various animal noises

Gavin's vocabulary includes:
Mama, Dada
a few animal noises
Tuh-Tuh (Tucker, my mom's dog)

I was told that Charlotte's vocabulary would emerge first. It's been true so far. Gavin seems to be a bit more advanced in the more physical areas, however. I know it all evens out in the end!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Two Days.

That's the length of time that passed between the moment the twins entered their day care room for the first time to when green stuff started oozing from their noses. The moment I walked them into daycare, I noticed that about 75% of the kids had runny noses. I even commented to the teacher: "Ew. It looks like everyone has a cold." "Yep," she replied. "And Charlotte and Gavin will get it too." She was right.

Even my pediatrician warned me at our last visit. "They are starting daycare soon? We'll be seeing a lot more of you."

This was hard news to take, although I really already knew it. The twins have been relatively illness-free for 18 months. We had a bout of roseola, an earache, and some runny noses, but that's about it. I don't think I'm prepared for more illnesses, especially with a newborn on the way.

I've been making sure they get their vitamins everyday (I've been known to skip a day or two), loading them up and vitamin C, and making sure I have the Purell close by. Somehow I don't think it's enough to overcome a bunch of snotty little kid-germs.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I had 120 minutes to myself today, and I barely knew what to do with it.

It was the twins' first day of daycare. It was sort of a "transition" day...they were only there for a short while. I think the transitional time was more for me than for them. Gavin seemed to get the idea right away. He immediately found a toy and began playing. Charlotte hung by my side for a bit, but then she got caught up in all the toys, too. During snack time, my little cherubs sat on chairs (SAT ON CHAIRS! AND DIDN'T TRY TO STAND UP ON THEM!) and ate goldfish. When circle time rolled around, they were hooked. They barely blinked when I left. Gavin did follow me to the door, but there were no tears, from them or from me.

Then I tried to busy myself for two hours. I went to Starbucks and got a caramel coffee. I went to Babies R Us and stocked up on sippy cups, bibs, and feeding supplies. I went to HomeGoods and just browsed. Bliss.

Went I returned, I peeked in to the daycare room door before the twins saw me. Both Charlotte and Gavin were again sitting at the table, playing with wet soapy sponges. Charlotte was trying to share her sponge with the girl sitting next to her. Sharing! Be still my heart!

Tomorrow's another day. I will probably leave them there for a longer stretch, at least through lunch and maybe naptime, too. Next week I go back to work in earnest, so they will be there all day, three days a week. So far, so good!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Battered Mom

Look closely, and you'll see two swollen scratches under my right eye, a scratch on my nose, and one at the base of my neck. They aren't from my cats (usually those scratches are on my arms) or from walking in to furniture (which I've been known to do, but usually those take the form of bruises on my legs). These facial scratches are from Chuckie.

Who is Chuckie? Chuckie is Charlotte's evil alter-ego. Most of the time she's sweet, cuddly, clingy, and loving. But several times a day she gets this gleam in her eye, and Chuckie attacks. Usually it starts by her hugging me, and then she pulls back and wallops me in the face. It's sometimes a slap, and sometimes a scratch. I never know when it's coming.

My pediatrician says that sometimes toddlers can't figure out how to express their love for you, so they resort to biting and hitting. How charming.

When she does it, I sharply say, "No!" and move her away from me. If I were to do that to Gavin, he would fling himself on the floor and melt into a puddle of tears. But Chuckie thinks this is downright hilarious, and rushes back to me to hit again.

The worst part, other than the ridiculous-looking scratches on my face, is that she now has begun hitting Gavin when she's frustrated. (He totally takes it, but one of these days he's going to haul off and smack her!). Also, Gavin sees her hitting me, so now he's hit me once or twice too.

She doesn't do it to any other adult; not Michael, not my mom or dad, no one. I think it's a little bit of a game at this point, and I am certain she'll grow out of it. But for now, if anyone asks, tell them I...uh...walked into a door.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Name Change

Do I have to change my blog name once the new baby comes? To what? Tulip, Turnip, and....Ketchup? Hiccup? Tomato?
Suggestions, please.