
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Currently Loving: January 2012 Edition

Hi There.

Today I'm going to tell you about a few things that I currently can't live without.  Or things that make my life a little easier.  Or things on which I'm currently crushing.  Or something like that.

1.  First, Breathe Right Strips. Didn't expect that one, did you?  I know, that was a total geriatric thing to say.  On the inside, I'm an 85-year old woman.  But for realz, I can't believe how much better I sleep when I have one of these suckers on.  My kids laugh at me, and sometimes it leaves a sticker-mark on my nose the next morning, but I get such a sounder sleep with these.  Honest.
2.  Next, Olay Regenerist Night Recovery Cream. This does have a scent, but it's a terrific one.  It's thick and luxurious, and doesn't affect my sensitive skin at all.  I love the way it makes my skin feel in the morning.  I know what you're thinking: I look too young to use night cream even though I'm 85 on the inside. :)  Gotta start sometime.

Lately, I've been looking for some personalized art for our house.  I came across this cute little Etsy shop, Poppy and Pinecone, that sells great state watercolor prints.  This one is on it's way to my house!  And that heart happens to be RIGHT over the spot where I live.  I feel like it was made just for me.  

And last but not least, I am LOVING the Lightscoop that I got for my camera for Christmas.  My house doesn't get great natural light, and I have to take lots of photos at night since I work during the day.  The Lightscoop attaches to my camera and redirects my flash to the ceiling or the wall to create more flattering light.  I. LOVE. IT. 

 At some point I will devote an entire post to this beauty, but here's an example. 

This is a photo I took in my bedroom with a flash.  Notice the harsh light and the dark background.

And here's the same shot with a flash, but using the Lightscoop.

See?  Better.  Brighter.  I love this thing!

Now what about you?  What are some of your favorite things?