
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hot Car Crayons

Holy Moly, it's been hot up in herrrre!  In Pennsylvania, we are not only blessed with stifling heat waves, but also ridiculous humidity.  It is seriously like breathing underwater.

Last week, on a 100-degree day, I decided to try something I saw on Pinterest and Come Together Kids.  Hot car crayons!

I found this silicone heart mold tray for $1.00 last Valentine's Day, so I scooped it up.  Then, the kids and I (okay, mostly me) unwrapped crayons and broke them into small pieces to put in the molds.  I had read that Crayolas work best, since they melt quickly and evenly, so that's what we used.  This time, I put mostly like colors together, but I think next time I would mix colors.  I like that even better!

Then, I put them on the dash of my car and promptly forgot about them.  (Note:  my car was parked in direct sunlight, and I'm estimating it was over 100 degrees in there.  I suppose this would also work in a cooler car, but it would probably take longer.)

After about three hours, I had this.

You can let them cool on their own, or pop them in the freezer to speed up the process.  And then, color away!

Also, my friend Tracey from Art Recycles created these heart crayons as a Valentine's gift for her son's class.  Just something to keep in mind for February, although I doubt you can melt them in the car then!

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