I have mentioned (numerous times) on this blog how I have neglected my garden for many years due to the craziness that has ensued since the twins were born prematurely. I have felt drawn to it, and every summer I partake in the necessary weeding, and mulching, and dead-heading, but I haven't been able to plant anything new. Or till big beds that are overgrowing with flowers for cutting. Or grow my own tomatoes.
I swore this summer was going to be different. And I think it still will be, once my school year is over...(one week and counting)! There is something therapeutic, and calming, about digging in the dirt. Growing flowers reminds me to be patient. It reminds me that something beautiful is hiding there, under the dirt, and I just have to wait for it. It reminds me that everything is connected; that there's this hidden energy that connects everything.
So for now, I will keep weeding, and watering, and dead-heading until next week until I'm finally free to put in some serious garden time.
Look at these sad, empty vegetable beds. I haven't had time to plant anything in them, but I'm also still trying to figure out the best way to build a fence around them, since the rabbits and foxes and groundhogs and deer are going to annihilate them if I don't.
This is one of my favorite perennials, called Goose Neck Loose Strife. I love it, but man...it TAKES OVER. I'm serious. If you're not careful, these buggers will choke everything else out. My Bee Balm didn't come up this year because of them.
Unfortunately, they seem to have some sort of disease. Experienced gardeners, what's the word? Help a sister out.
My neglected roses are blooming, but need some serious TLC.
And my very favorite plant, my hydrangea, is almost ready to show off. This one is beautiful!
This is the first year that my hosta have grown. Usually they are eaten before they get anywhere. I guess the deer are being fed elsewhere?
I pulled all my evening primrose out two years ago, but she still makes an appearance. This one is hiding in my azalea.
Fingers crossed, I hope I have some vegetable beds to share with you soon! Happy planting, friends.