I am thankful for:
My family and friends, whose boundless love and loyalty were certainly pushed to the limits this year, but they never once let me down.
Michael, who never lets me take myself too seriously. Thank goodness.
All of my fertility specialists, who sat with me for countless hours, hugged me when I needed it, commiserated, listened, let me freak out, never treated me like just a number, yelled at Michael when he wasn't being particularly supportive, and even shed a tear or two with me.
Dr. C., who took care of me when I went into preterm labor, and who actually SAT DOWN in my hospital room with me to calm me down, and told me that I was an amazing mom already.
The doctors and nurses in the NICU, who treated Charlotte and Gavin like they were their own. There are no words.
Caffeine. Even in small amounts, due to my nursing situation.
Concealer. The bags under my eyes are ridiculous.
Spanx and padded push-up bras. No matter what I do, things are never going to look like they did before.
Coupons. Diapers and such are not cheap.
Charlotte and Gavin. Who knew such little beings could bring such indescribable joy. I am so very blessed.
okay, now you've got my tears flowing... we're all thankful for you too Amy! (And C&G, of course...)