Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Babies!

Dear Charlotte,
One year ago you had enough of Gavin's shenanigans and decided you were ready, already. You cried a bit upon delivery, but the nurses noted that you mostly just looked around in wonder. You had your eyes open for nearly an hour, they said, which is unheard of for a 31-week newborn. And you continued to surprise us on a daily basis. "Preemies don't nurse well; they only get 10 cc's at most," they said. But then you went and took 60 cc's! Holding you on your true birth day was the realization of so many of my wishes. Watching you grow has been amazing. The nicknames your grandparents have given you, "Nosy Rosie" and "The Newsbox," fit you perfectly. You are extremely alert and observant, and always have been. You're certainly not a cuddler, but I live for those tight squeezes you give me every morning when I get you out of your crib. You've captured everyone's heart with that sweet smile and a sense of humor that's emerging already. Daddy and I can't wait to share the wonders of the world with you.
I love you!

Dear Gavin,
You gave your parents quite a few scares with all that heart-rate-dropping business, but look at you now, kiddo. We weren't allowed to hold you for a few days after your birth, and that was pure torture...but you are so worth the wait. We remember when you always had your little hands in tight fists, and your body was so tense. We were afraid that your motor development would be seriously delayed. But you crawled first, and are now pulling up on everything! You are incredibly curious, too. I love watching you study new objects, turning them over and over in your hands to get a better look. And everyone loves your sweet disposition; even strangers are immediately drawn to you. You have a big world to explore out there, but for now I love having you close, sitting on my lap. Hope it stays that way for years to come.
I love you!


  1. Oh happy birthday! What a wonderful thing. Enjoy your special day!

  2. Happy Birthday Charlotte & Gavin! Someday you will realize how incredibly blessed you are to have a mom who writes like yours and records your history with such amzazing attention to detail. May this year be full of even more fantastic adventures. :)

  3. I know I'm a few days late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweey babies! I hope it was a wonderful day!

  4. AWWWwwww, look at those tiny little tinykins!


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