Saturday, March 1, 2008

Strange Baby Foods

Have you ever seen these crackers? The twins are completely obsessed with them. They literally lose their minds when they see the box. I think it's clear from the packaging that they are not American. The box boasts that these "rice rusks" have been enjoyed by babies in the Orient for over a century! Who knew? (and what the hell is a rice rusk?)?! Charlotte and Gavin LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I cannot stress this enough.

So you can imagine my dismay when I looked for them in their usual spot at Acme two weeks ago, right next to the Treacle and the Spotted Dick (no joke--another clue that they weren't American), and they were nowhere to be found. I generally remain calm in these situations, but these are BABY MUM-MUMS, the twins' dietary staple, for heaven's sake! I immediately made my way to Customer Service to explain how unacceptable this was, and the worker had the nerve to ask if I was sure I was looking in the right place. You don't need to know all the details, but you should know that the next few moments were punctuated with some begging and a few tears, and I think I may have promised to buy a case of Mum-Mums and perhaps I even promised my next-born child. The details are fuzzy as I was somewhat hysterical. Either way, it worked, and I'm happy to say the Mum-Mums are back on the shelf, happily wedged between the Treacle and Spotted Dick, where they belong.

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